Why Influence?
# of Tactics?
16 Tactics
53 Tactics
Ethics I
Ethics II
Bad Info
A persuasion matrix provides a systematic approach to finding
which influence techniques are optimal for a given situation
and audience. A matrix is also useful in discovering techniques
that are available, but may not have occurred to the influence
practitioner. Using the wrong technique can cause an influence
attempt to backfire disastrously, and a good persuasion matrix
therefore includes appropriate contraindications. I have been
developing a matrix since the mid 90s, based on the five fundamental
dimensions that I believe underlie all influence attempts:
- Dimension of Persuasion Process
- Dimension of Communication Process
- Dimension of Processing
- Dimension of SituationVariables
- Dimension of Person Variables
Sadly, the matrix isn't ready for unveiling yet. In the meantime,
however, you may wish to visit the next section, Cult
Influence Tactics, on the following page.
Copyright © 1997 by Kelton Rhoads, Ph.D.
All rights reserved.
Adherence, advertise, advertising,
advocacy, analysis, arizona state university, asu, art of persuasion,
arguing, argument, argumentation, attitude, attitude change,
belief, bias, brad sagarin, brainwashing, campaign, communicate,
communication, conversion. Compliance, comply, conform, conformity,
consult, consultant, consulting, course, courtroom, credibility,
credible, cult, cults, debate, decision making, education, emotion,
executive education, executive program, executive training. Group,
how to, influence, influencing, kelton rhoads, kelton rhodes,
kris haynal, law, leadership, leadership training, leadership
education, legal, likability, management, management, market
research, marketing, mass marketing, mass persuasion, mass influence,
mind control, motivation, negotiation, obedience, opinion, organizational
services, personality, persuade. Persuasion, persuasive, political,
political consulting, politics, polling, influence principles,
professional services, program, promote, promotion, propaganda,
psychological persuasion, psychological operations, psyop, psychological
research, psychology, psychology of persuasion, psychology of
influence, public relations, questionnaire, reinforcement, reputation.
Research, rhetoric, rhetorical, rhoads, rhodes, rhods, rodes,
rhoads, robert cialdini, chaldini, sales, sampling, science of
persuasion, science of influence, sell, selling, small group
research, social influence, social psychology, social action
campaign, speaker, speech, spin, statistics, strategy, survey,
technique, trial, university of southern california, usc, workshop,
working psychology, work.