Working Psychology offers a range of services designed to increase influence success. Please contact us for detailed explanations of the following services:
• Influence Audit examines your communications for the correct and effective use of influence principles.
• Frames Analysis helps you build effective influence campaigns that include the eight components of successful framing.
• Resistance Analysis uncovers the frequently encountered objections to your ideas or products, and then recommends communications to reduce the resistance.
• Measures of Effectiveness Inventory examines your influence campaign to find overt and covert ways to measure its effectiveness.
• Associations Mapping researches the connections that your ideas or products are making within the target audience’s mind.
• Wedge Issue Inventory examines the influence landscape for potential wedge issues that can help you, and tests them for relative strength.
• Questionnaire and Focus Group Research investigate the target audience, seeking information critical to the design of successful campaigns.
• Values Inventories uncover and rank target audience values; enabling persuasive communications to match those values.
• Overheard Communication Analysis analyzes and recommends venues through which the message can be overheard rather than received directly, so target audiences resist your messages less.
• Negative & Fear Campaign Testing provides research for negative and fear campaigns, which are notoriously difficult to implement successfully, but are remarkably effective when done well.
• Commonalities Inventory helps clients find all-important commonalities with the target of persuasion.
Copyright © 1997-2006 Kelton Rhoads, Ph.D.
All rights reserved.
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